through the looking glass: edition v.c silver

We were asked to redesign a book of our choice, focusing on adding a distinctive and meaningful element to make the book truly unique. This involved re-organizing the layout of the paragraphs, choosing a typeface that aligned well with the concept and thoughtfully designing the front and back covers for the book. Every aspect of the books visual presentation needed to be reinterpreted with a new and fresh perspective.

Through the Looking-Glass is a tale of curiosity, imagination, and the playful nature of logic, where nothing is quite as it seems. Alice steps into a whimsical land resembling a giant chessboard, where every move shapes her journey. Guided by the rules of chess, she navigates through the squares as a pawn on her quest to become a queen, for once a pawn reaches the edge of the board it can become any piece it would like.

By flicking through the silver pages the reader is invited to step into Alice’s journey from the very moment she crosses through the looking glass. The book’s layout is carefully crafted to mirror the chessboard, with the text blocks forming the board and intentional gaps representing the placement and movements of each player. Every move on the board is thoughtfully visualized, allowing readers to follow the trajectories of Alice and the other characters as they navigate the game. By blending storytelling with design, this reinterpretation brings the chess game to life, offering a dynamic and immersive reading experience that connects the narrative and the visuals, seamlessly blending storytelling with visual design.

Editorial Project by Carlota Postigo & Vered Elaine

On Edge

Gravity Wave: Blue Curv

Mold Operandi: Drape